Soh, Eugene (b. Singapore, 1987)
Together with S. Sudjojono, Trisno Soemardjo, Sunisyo and D. Suradji, he founded the Young Indonesian Artists association (Seniman Indonesia Muda/SIM) in Madiun in 1940. Later, he joined Sanggar Puring in Surabaya in 1967 in association with Wiwiek Hidayat, Karyono and Tedja Suminar, and became a member of the Himpunan Budaya Surakarta in 1970.
He held an exhibition with Soediarjo at the Taman Ismail Marzuki in 1976. Although he worked using his own mystical-decorative style, Soedibio was very much influential in the development of Yogyakarta's Decorativism.
Eugene “The Dude” Soh is one of the top emerging photographic artists in Singapore and has earned a well-deserved reputation for delivering humorous yet thought-provoking messages that narrate contemporary life and social issues in the modern day city state.
Eugene’s work is inherently humanistic, and his empathy for the common man, his challenges and foibles, resonates with his audience. Eugene’s parodies of living conditions in Singapore are both a tongue-in-cheek commentary on contemporary life and a raw exposé of the struggles facing people of all ages in the Lion city. Like Woody Allen, Eugene frequently appears in his own works, alongside his girlfriend Kareen Chin and various relatives, friends and the occasional by stander – delivering dead-pan satire while implying a deeper underlying message.
Eugene obtained his BFA in Interactive Media from the Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media, Singapore in 2013. His new media art explorations include the establishment of the virtual art gallery as a site for webart exhibitions. Eugene held his first solo exhibition at the OCBC Centre Branch, Singapore (2013); in the same year, he was a Finalist with Honorable Mention at the 2nd France + Singapore Photographic Arts Award, Singapore, as well as a Finalist in the Student Category, Sony World Photography Awards, Student Focus, World Photography Organisation, London. Eugene’s works were recently exhibited at the ICON Martell Photography Prize 2014, National Museum of Singapore and Sensorium 360, Singapore Arts Museum. He lives and works in Singapore.
The Last Kopitiam
Cost of Living - Family Series
Food for Thought
The Monumental Task - Family Series
Sunday Afternoon On The Island Of Singapore
Venus & Grace
Moh Lee Sha
Arrangement in Grey, Black and Yellow (Eugene's Mother)