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Widayat (b. Kutoarjo, Indonesia, 1919 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2002)
He began his artistic career by painting picturesque landscapes in the Mooi Indie tradition for the tourist market in Bandung. He was among the first batch of students in ASRI/Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts, Yogyakarta. Graduated from, ASRI in 1954 and became a teacher in the school until he retired in 1988.
The Indonesian government presented him with the Anugerah Seni Award in 1972. Other awards received include First Prize at the First Indonesian Biennial in 1974; award at the Yogyakarta Biennial in 1986; Lempad Prize awarded in 1993; and the Budaya Upa Pradana from the Government of Central Java in 1994.
Sekuntum Bunga untuk Kekasih
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