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Soedibio (b. Madiun, Indonesia, 1912 -1981)
Together with S. Sudjojono, Trisno Soemardjo, Sunisyo and D. Suradji, he founded the Young Indonesian Artists association (Seniman Indonesia Muda/SIM) in Madiun in 1940. Later, he joined Sanggar Puring in Surabaya in 1967 in association with Wiwiek Hidayat, Karyono and Tedja Suminar, and became a member of the Himpunan Budaya Surakarta in 1970.
He held an exhibition with Soediarjo at the Taman Ismail Marzuki in 1976. Although he worked using his own mystical-decorative style, Soedibio was very much influential in the development of Yogyakarta's Decorativism.
Wanita Berkebaya Merah
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